Areas of Practice



Helping to protect the boundaries of properties is the most rewarding task for a land surveyor. One tool to aid in this is the Record of Survey Map. After researching, locating, examining and weighing the evidence relating to your property, a professional opinion can be formed and the property corners can be marked and monumented. A Record of Survey Map is then recorded with the County of Lake and becomes public information.

Site Plan


A site plan is a representation of the property on paper that shows the β€œlay of the land.” It is a tool for conceptual planning and site design by engineers and architects. It also serves as a tool for discussion with agencies and others of your intentions.

Parcel Map


Parcel Maps, also known as a minor subdivision, allow a property to be split into 4 or fewer parcels, with a remainder parcel, in most cases. The process begins with the owner visiting the Community Development Department and explaining their desired outcome, at which point they will inform the owner of the necessary steps in the process and check that the zoning and other factors will allow the project to be pursued.

Lot Line Adjustment


Encroachments, disputes and creating room for expansion and development are some situations that may necessitate the need for a Lot Line Adjustment. Like a Parcel Map, the first step is a visit to the Community Development Department where a planner can check that the zoning and other restrictions will allow the project to be pursued. A map will need to be prepared and the portion(s) to be exchanged described and areas calculated by a licensed land surveyor.

Easement Description


After determining the intent and the location of the easement on the ground a description of the portion of the property to contain the easement can be provided to assist in the preparation of the necessary documents to convey easement rights.